


1. hit it off 相处得好/合得来

2. on the rocks 恋情出现危机

3. pop the question求婚

4. tie the knot 结婚

5. fall head over heels 爱到死心塌地

6. puppy love早恋 初恋

7. settle down 成家/安家

8. perfect for each other 形容两人太合适了

9. have an affair 有外遇了

10. postpone/put off an appointment 推迟约会




Breaking the Ice 派对时候看到了心仪的TA-----破冰出击

Do you mind if I join you?

Would you like a drink?

I haven't seen you here before!

Asking for date 认识以后进一步邀约或者大方要电话

May I ask you out?

Any plans tonight?

Would you like go out for dinner sometime?

Could I have your phone number?

Would you like to meet for a coffee next week?

Please keep me company for a while.

When are you free?

Are you free this Thursday afternoon?

What time will you be in?

What time will you be able to see me?

Would Wednesday morning be all right?

Accepting 如果想接受TA 的邀请

Sure, that would be great.

Thanks, I'd love to.

Declining 委婉地拒绝

I'm sorry but I am seeing someone at the moment.

Can we just say friends?

I am very flattered but no thanks.

I’m not quite sure if I’m free.

Well, I’m engaged at that time.

I can’t keep the appointment because I am sick.

Arranging 定好了约会,之前好好准备哟

Shall I pick you up at 7?

What time/day suits you best?

Where do you want to meet?

Saying goodbye 约会分别时刻

I've had a lovely time. Shall we do it again?


Thanks for dinner. Is it OK if I can see you next week?