​​​​​​​Lucia Huang


我叫Lucia Huang,毕业于谢菲尔德大学媒体学专业硕士,于2019年加入UK Pathway公司。我的工作职责主要包括配合销售团队,完成每月的销售目标;回答客户的留学咨询,收集他们对公司服务的反馈; 为市场活动及新媒体运营提供支持;为学生提供可靠的咨询服务,帮助他们解决问题是我工作的最大乐趣。

Job Title:Marketing Representative

Hi, I am Lucia Huang. I graduated with a master’s degree in Media from the University of Sheffield and joined UKPathway since 2019. My main job responsibilities are these: Working with sales team and completed the monthly sales targets; Answering clients’inquiries of overseas studies and collecting their feedback of services; Providing side supports in marketing campaigns and operations of new media. Bringing reliable counseling to students and helping them solve problems is the greatest pleasure of my work.