工作签证T2 General


Big Four Graduate Scheme

Big Four refer to the world's four largest accounting firms, respectively, PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG.

Big Four hire over 80 million employees worldwide. In the UK,they recruit about 4,000 employees each year.

Big four are famous for their competitive starting salaries, cozy work environment and excellent development opportunities.

However, many students were intimidated by their tough interviews.


Due to considerable applications and recruitment demands, Big Four have launched annual recruitment, whcich enables candidates to make their application anytime. When you are applying for Big Four, CV and Cover letter would not be important.The application system of big four collects your personal information. Our coaching will focus on information filling and questions answering, which definitely will outstand you from other candidates.

Online Test

Depending on the programme you've applied to,you'll be asked to complete Situational Judgement Test,Numerical Test, Inductive Test (sometimes called logical reasoning) and Verbal Reasoning Test. You'll sit the tests again at the assessment day on paper and under supervision so doing them online is good preparation.

Following the completion of your mock and actual assessments, you’ll be provided with personal feedback reports detailing how you’ve performed.

First Interview

It will be a one-to-one interview which provides you with the opportunity to display the qualities that paper can't do justice to. Company is looking for you to provide them with evidence of the skills they are seeking as well as reassuring that you've thought carefully about your career choice. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have a clear interest in the business world and the company. Depending on the programme you've applied to, you'll either have a telephone interview or an interview with a manager at your chosen office.

Assessment centre

It usually consists of tests that measure your numerical and inductive (sometimes called logical reasoning) or verbal reasoning skills; a written communication exercise and a group or individual exercise. This may sound a lot, but don’t worry - the centre is designed to be as interesting and enjoyable as possible, giving you the chance to demonstrate your best qualities and find out as much about life in this market as you can.

Second Interview

It is a one-to-one interview with a partner or a director of the business area you want to join. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your passion and enthusiasm for the business and your understanding of the importance of client service.

UKPathway Consultancy Group has designed and deleveped a series of professional interview coaching and training programmes to strengthen your overall abilities and make you stand out from thousands of candidates.

UKPathway Consultancy’s interview coaching and training programmes are delivered by Big Four’s managers, investment bank’s managers as well as University of Warwick’s career mentors, who are the interviewers and really proficient in the selection process. 

According to previous statistics data, the overall acceptance rate for any Big four company is less than 1/60. We aim to increase the acceptance rate of our students to 1/4 by our coaching and training programmes. Don’t forget that you can apply to each Big Four compnies once in a year, which would also increase your overall acceptance rate.

Tier 5 Internship Programme

Tier 5 Internship Programme is a great alternative if you find Graduate Schemes are difficult. UKPathway Education Tier 5 Internship Programme offers you one-year working experience with Tier 5 working visa.

Tier 5 Internship Programme is developed in 2014 and has helped hundreds of students so far. After the one-year internship, you will have the opportunity to gain a Tier 2 long-term working visa or other career opportunities in UK.

- Requirments are relatively low

- General Interview training

Tier 2 Top-Up Progeamme

Tier 2 Top-Up Programme is an upgrade of Tier 5 Internship Programme but is different from Big Four Graduate Scheme. We help candidates to directly apply for the position in selected companies with Tier 2 sponsor licence.

Tier 2 Top-Up Programme is designed for highly motivated student who always plan ahead. There are above 25,000 Tier 2 sponsors in UK, and many of them are interested in recruiting good Chinese graduates.

- An excellent degree is essential

- Advanced Interview training














AC面试 (评量中心)










如果 T2毕业生项目对你来说有难度,不妨尝试 T5 实习生项目。我们将为你短暂的留学生活,找到一份长达一年的实习工作。T5签证是在2014年确立的,其专为学生提供一年的实习签。T5实习签证虽然不能直接转 T2,但是你可以抓住机会在英国寻找T2工作。




T2 top-up项目

T2 top-up项目是 T5实习项目的升级套餐,但又有别于“四大”毕业生项目。我们将帮助求职者直接投递有T2 资质公司的岗位。

T2 top-up项目专为有计划有准备的求职者打造。英国有超25000家的企业有T2 资质且其中的许多企业都有兴趣录用优秀的中国求职者。




工作签证是对以前的工作签证的一种新转换,就是新 Tier 2 出台以后,原来的工作许可就被取代,也是记点积分制。需要有雇主,且雇主有雇佣外国人的资格,雇主须说明这个工作英国以及欧盟的人士无法胜任。此类签证最多给 3 年,积累 5 年也可以申请永居, 国内的人也可以申请。对申请人的学历、专业、职业、工作经验、资产尤其是英语能力方面分别进行了评分规定。申请者须通过 home office 网站上提供的评分系统来对自己的各项条件进行对照打分,达到最低分数标准者,方可申请英国签证。而在英语能力方面,申请者须通过指定考试方可申请签证。工作签证一般有6个月到5年,申请者可以在英国最多逗留三年,然后再续签最多两年。一旦申请者在英国连续逗留长达五年,即有资格申请永久居留许可。 

所需资料清单 :

1.     填写完整并签名的签证申请表

2.     署名签字的护照

3.     签证费

4.     2 张近期护照照片 ( 要求白色背景 )

5.     在英国的雇主的担保证明

6.     英国的雇佣合同

7.     目前的在职 / 收入证明 及翻译件

8.     目前的教育 / 专业资格证书及翻译件

9.     英语语言能力证明

10.  工作经验证明,翻译件

11.  银行存单,存款证明书,翻译件一同递交